Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation is a set of interventions designed to optimize functioning and reduce disability in individuals with health conditions in interaction with their environment. It maximizes people's ability to live, work and learn to their best potential. Rehabilitation in hospital settings enables early intervention, which can speed recovery, optimize outcomes and facilitate smooth, timely discharge.

Department Vision:

"We see happy, healthy, pain-free people with disabilities that are rehabilitated, independent and participating fully in their community activities in Uganda".

Department Mission:

"To provide standardised, holistic and accessible Rehabilitation Services to people with disabilities at CoRSU so as to improve their functional potentials to enable their integration in society".


The department has three units, namely, Therapy, Education and Prosthetics and Orthotics. The services provided are aimed at restoring and maintaining optimal physical, sensory, psychological, cognitive and social functions. The Rehabilitation team in collaboration with other members of the multi-disciplinary team are committed to providing client-centered services that respect the autonomy and dignity of the recipient.