
The education program is accessible by all children and youth from the age of 3 years to 17 years admitted at CoRSU. On a daily basis an average of 15 children are provided with basic literacy skills. Furthermore, on average 20 children learn life skills and get to make new friends

Objectives of the education program

  • To provide basic education (literacy skills to children who have not had the opportunity to attend school and enable children undergoing long-term and short-term rehabilitation at CoRSU to continue with their studies).
  • To develop life skills through art and craft skills training, outside and indoor games, hygiene training, educational trips to the zoo (UWEC), music, dance and drama.
  • To promote healthy lifestyles and independence for children and youth with physical disability through play and sports activities.
  • To provide career guidance through counselling so as to achieve a positive attitude towards education.
  • To provide opportunities for fun and develop social skills of the children.